The Women’s Marches

There’s intimacy when you share your thoughts or concerns with another. #WomensMarch #MarchforLife

I would much rather talk politics face to face than from behind a keyboard and screen. In any capacity of communication, there’s intimacy when you share your thoughts or concerns with another that you just do not get when done virtually.

Our culture and political climate can be summed up over the days of January 19th and 20th, of 2018.

On Friday, thousandsĀ of women, men, and childrenĀ descended upon our nation’s capital to “provide all Americans with a place to testify to the beauty of life and the dignity of each human person.” (March for Life Mission Statement). Local marches across the country proceed on the following day. The core tenant of the statement is that every human life, especially inside the womb, is valued and protected

On Saturday, thousands of women, men, and childrenĀ descended upon our nation’s capital to “harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change.” (Women’s March Mission Statement). Local marches across the country are happening the same day. One of the core tenants of their statement under reproductive rights states “open access to safe, legal, affordable abortion and birth control for all people, regardless of income, location or education.”

It’s an interesting scene. Could you picture these two groups sharing the same National Mall at the same time fighting for the exact opposite of what the other group wants? This is the part where Big Bird introduces our word of the day “juxtaposition.”

What’s most stunning out of all of this, isn’t the positions they take, or the passion they have for their fight, but it is the belief…in particular of the women…that the women on the other side of their opinions are misguided, moronic, oppressed, and of all things not REAL women.

They are a subhuman species undeserved of dignity, respect, decency, an open mind, and the right to call themselves a woman. Instead of battling ideas with other ideas, they are degraded to petulant children and ignored. They scream and yell in each other’s faces, with furrowed brow all while painting themselves as the loving, compassionate, and tolerant one. And if you haven’t caught on, it’s not just one side that does the yelling.

While the two sides seem to hate each other, maybe the two sides need to take a look again at the intimacy that they could share while having a coffee at Starbucks or a slush from Sonic. People love Starbucks and people slush.

Yesterday my coworker and I talked throughout the day, and shared Sonic Slushes, about everything from politics to women’s issues to Aziz Ansari to religion and while we probably disagree on more than we agree there was a shared moment of dignity and respect because she is entitled to her opinion and I respect it and I am entitled to my opinion and she respects it. In this shared intimacy we did learn that we both have an equal hatred for the ugly green bikes that are strewn all over Dallas. And I loved our talk all day.

So maybe it’s time that all people, try to listen to the words of a famous King…not Martin Luther, but Rodney

Probably not, but it’s worth a try.