The Counsel of the Wicked

In my early high school years I had a friend that I would always seek advice from because they were so wise. I had some issue…can’t remember what…but I distinctively remember getting the advice and then saying to them, “ok…biblically what should I do?” To which they replied with, “I just told you.”

One of their greatest pieces of advice didn’t solve my problem but how to seek advice properly. I tend to think that there’s the sacred and secular and that’s where my problems begin. To think that there are two ways to solve something says to my God that if I don’t like your way then I’ll do it my way. If I were completely honest I would choose my way 11 times out of 10 and fail all 11 times. 

Psalm 1:1

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.