Seek Jesus

The people that are single and those that are married have one question to ask themselves.

Who are you seeking more, Jesus or your relationship?

For singles, I’m absolutely positive that you have heard somebody mention to you that you should seek Jesus and your mate will be there. Your heart should be so fully hidden in God that he should have to seek Him to find you. Or some other common sounding quote about Christian life and dating. Basically, seek Jesus always.

And for married people, like myself, we should be doing the same. 

I’m reminded of in the book of Luke in 14 where Jesus tells people to hate everyone in their lives.

Now large crowds were going along with Him; and He turned and said to them, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:25-27)

This verse always confused me when I read it. I didn’t get it. Why is Jesus telling people to hate their loved ones?

Then it all made sense. I was relaxing at home watching Spiderman, and they had the cliche superhero moment…save the girl or fight the villain. This is what Jesus was getting at.

Now don’t get it twisted, we’re not the hero, Jesus is, but its a loose metaphor and in everything we do our focus needs to be on Jesus. Are your Tinder, eHarmony, or Plenty of Fish messages your daily scriptures? Can you and your spouse go toe to toe in spewing back verses from the book of Netflix? Have you been seeking the proverbs of popular authors? I find I do that. I find that there are days where I’m worshipping my life and my relationships more than I’m worshipping God.

And as cheesy as those relationship cliches are…they’re true.

Above all else…seek Jesus.

Stop Asking for Them Blessings.

My wife, the Judester, and I are headed on our first family vacation tomorrow morning. To curb stopping for food and sans save some money we decided that we’ll pack sandwiches and drinks for the 18 hour trip to the beach.
Since my favorite grocery store Aldi’s is closed in honor of Murica’s birthday we decided to go elsewhere for our grocery needs. Side note my wife wanted to do Wal-Mart and I said no I’d rather spend more than step foot in the home of Satan. Side-side note if you work for Wal-Mart I’m sure you’re a nice person I just hate your store. The worst.
So as we are driving away from the store we noticed a couple holding a sign that read

“Stranded. Money. Food. Anything will help.”

In the past I usually drive off and not think anything of it but messages from God have been speaking to me within the past month.

Now before I finish the story I have to tell you another story. I feel like I may have talked about this before but it’s part of my message about God. You see my wife and I work and make good money, but money is still tight due to bills and unexpected costs like $240 to daycare that you’re not expecting to pay. Once this came about we had no idea how we were going to pay to get to our beach destination. God stepped in. Nothing I was thinking of or asking of but family decided to bless us and help us to enjoy our vacation. I’m so grateful for it.

Which leads me back to driving towards this family at Target. I wanted to bless them back. So I pulled my car up. Got out. Opened the trunk to our snacks and food for vacation. And gave them more than enough food.

Now you’re thinking 1 of 2 things.
Either 1. “bravo Matt. Great job.”
Or 2. “They’re probably scam artists trying to get free handouts.”

To be honest. I know that they are first and foremost people. I know Jesus talks about helping the least of these. I know that if they are scam artists oh well that’s on them. That maybe they should see the love from people that do stop and “help” them and that hopefully God opens their heart to their lies and changes them. I know that when I gave the little 3 or 4 year old girl with them some of Jude’s apple sauce squeeze it packets her face lit up for how happy she was.

I know that we ask for a lot. Literally a lot. We need to stop asking for stuff. I know I’m done. Instead I’m letting God show me his people. What can I give back? It may not be much but a little is better than nothing at all.

Have a great rest of the holiday. Enjoy family. Love on each other. And be safe.